Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wobbly legs and sloshy stomaches

Surgery is still scheduled for Thursday, May 10 but it has been bumped from 12:10 to 12:50 PST and they warn you emergencies come up so there could be delays the day of surgery.

I am NOT looking forward to this whole process starting but even though it sounds odd I will feel better when they wheel her into OR and get started. I have been counting down to this day for so long I would have a really hard time if it gets bumped to a different day altogether.

My daughter admitted tonight that she is nervous. She said on Monday her teacher asked her if she would be in school today (the day before surgery) and her legs got wobbly. We talked about being nervous. She said you know you are nervous when you sit down and your legs are still wobbly. 

I am so concerned about her being hungry and thirsty before surgery that I kept her up a little later for a second serving of dessert (yes, I said dessert) and filled her up on liquids. So much so that when I gave her her nightly massage before bed and I moved her hips you could hear all of the fluid in her tummy jostle around. Job well done I guess!

We received a lot of calls and emails of well wishes tonight which was very nice! Off to try to sleep before the big day...


  1. Anonymous5/10/2012

    Thinking of Mary today and thinking lots of positive thoughts!!! Hope you, Mary and the rest of the family are not too nervous today and doing as well as can be expected.. I'm sure everything will go as planned and Mary will be on her way to a great recovery. -Nadine

  2. Anonymous5/10/2012

    I'm sending my prayers for a good procedure and wonderful outcome.
    - Suzanne Lisanti
