Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 2

After the pain block wore off at 6 am (16 hours later), she was given Atavan which made her pretty loopy. After Dr. Scott's visit, per Mary's request Michael and I began getting used to moving Mary's leg with the External Fixator. Then she finally slept for most of the morning.

At 1:00 a very sweet Physical Therapist came for her first session. Mary was able to sit up!!! The PT was impressed with her feelings towards the fixator and willingness to try even though she was clearly in pain. It is important to get her to move now verses letting her muscles and tendons tightening up and making it even harder to get them loose later. It isn't pain free but Mary did GREAT!!!

However, the session did wipe her out. She slept well and woke up to her first visitors: Grandparents and Little Sister. Unfortunately, while they were there Mary experienced her worst pain yet. She rated pain in recovery a 4-6. In her normal room she rated pain from 0-2 until 6:00 am when the nerve block wore off. In the afternoon after she had PT and had been moving it a lot she rated her pain an 8-10. Thus another dose of Ataran was administered. Based on conversations and how loopy she was in the morning we were probably too conservative on the pain meds in the afternoon. The first 48 hours is the worst so we learned not to have her hold back.

Mary and I are on the same page- we loved the nerve block. Her father however, didn't relax until the nerve block wore off and he had proof she had no complications from the anesthesia. Good to have balance in our relationship...

She was mellow but not wiped out for the rest of the visit. I am home tonight and Mary is with her Daddy. He emailed at 9:00 that she was doing fine and going to bed and so was he.

Each day it should get easier. I really am expecting today to have been the worst. As one doctor today said this procedure is a Marathon, not a sprint but with very successful outcomes.


  1. Amy R-B5/12/2012

    Thank goodness you're a distance runner :) So glad all is moving forward and the surgery went well. Remind the adults to take care of themselves too- okay?!

  2. Anonymous5/12/2012

    Mary has been in our thoughts and prayers! We are glad to hear everything is going so well and that she has been in good spirits. Mary is an amazing girl!

    Hope her little sister recovers from the hives (it's hard being the little sister worried about her big sister).

    Love, Tina, Phil, Giana, and Sabrina

  3. Anonymous5/12/2012

    Glad to hear she is doing well! We opted for both a nerve block and an epidural last time. I was really happy with the results. The worst of the pain was over by the time the nerve block and epidural came out and my son only had minimal pain meds. The first time, I think they took everything out too quickly and we had a lot of catching up on pain management. This time we ended up leaving the epidural in for an extra 1.5 days and slowly turning it down and he had no pain scaled above a 5 or 6 ...unlike last time which was a nightmare :(

    Mary sounds like she is doing so well! When does she get to go home?

    1. We are planning to go home tomorrow after we get another physical therapy session but thats not official yet.

  4. Anonymous5/12/2012

    Jennifer, Mary is in our thoughts & prayers every day. Ania likes Mary so much ... ! Monika Metkowski

  5. Mary has been on my mind and in my prayers. So great to see her doing well, and moving forward. I will keep in contact, anything I can do.. let me know. Tell Mary I said Hi, and that we all already miss her!

    Ms. Turner

  6. Thanks i read your comment to mary when she was up around 2 and it helped distract her.
