Sunday, June 7, 2015

Surgery Date

Dr. Scott's surgery scheduler called on Friday. We are scheduled for surgery on December 10 at our favorite hospital (yeah!) for:

  • at least the removal of the 8 plate in her left leg. 
  • If we decide to do the Epiphysiodesis (which restricts the growth of her longer leg) it's not a problem to add it since we are already on the schedule.  
We will know the definite plans at our next appointment in September.

Unlike past surgeries where I pro-actively called to schedule I was bummed to get the call.

The surgery date is a week before she is out of school for the holidays which I was bummed about but when I told Mary she wasn't bothered by it. It's nice that she is older. I can tell her what's going on and if she's not bothered I can let my own concerns go. 

This is the LAST surgery that we have been EXPECTING but I have learned to not expect it to be her last. 

It will be nice to have both surgeries: the leg lengthening and the potential Epiphysiodesis that we have known about for 12-13 years behind us.