Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Consolidation Is Going Well

Mary had a doctors appointment yesterday and had two x-rays. 

The first one shows the bone is consolidating really well on the left side. 
  • Her doctor explained that the bone opposite of the incision site grows back faster which is what the x-ray shows. 
  • Her Physical Therapist explained that the bone grows with a bulge then thru time the body absorbs the extra amount.

The second x-ray is a lateral view and it does show the bone is growing on both sides.

Since the consolidation is going well, he cleared her to full weight bearing with crutches and to move to one crutch once she can do it without leaning. 

We will see him again in 3 weeks.

He stated she may be all done by the Fall or Christmas. I was originally told 4 months which would be October.  

Saturday, July 20, 2019

3 cm!!!

We went to the doctor on Day 30 and confirmed Mary was at 3 cm. - the goal!

June 11: Before lengthening

July 9: 30 mm/3cm

The Physical Therapist spent a lot of time working on her to help her stand as straight as possible to get a standing x-ray. 

Standing x-ray

Then her doctor decided:
  • she should take 3 days off of lengthening and 
  • then continue lengthening if she could tolerate it. 
He said the additional 3 cm she had gained will have huge benefits the rest of her life because that should leave her with a 0.5 cm difference but he wanted to see if she could get more length because she will likely lose some length she has gained when she has a foot surgery later.

We had to get a new RX for the lengthening device and the medical device company contact stated it was common to take a break at 2.5 cm then begin lengthening again.

The other good news is that Mary appears to be producing a lot of good bone!

Taking 3 days off did help Mary's comfort level and she was able to lengthen another 3 days.

We went to the doctor a week later and officially decided to stop lengthening. That meant she could also lose the knee immobilizer!!! 

So the hardest part should be behind us. Now we expect 3 months:
  • of bone consolidation, 
  • getting weight bearing privileges back, 
  • regaining range of motion in her knee, and 
  • learning to walk with a more even body.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Pain Started

Day 18 of 30 Mary started getting uncomfortable. We were surprised because other than the rash to the skin glue the internal leg lengthening has been going smoothly and usually things start getting uncomfortable around 5 cm. and she was at 2 cm.

On Days 21 and 23 Mary was so uncomfortable she had to stay home versus do  activities that she did the week before. One day she described it as it "felt like her quad had done a million squats."

She had to keep moving positions to try to get comfortable and had trouble sleeping a couple of nights. 

The good news is after seeing her Physical Therapist on day 24 and learning she was really tight and needed lots of massaging we backed off some PT and we focused more on massaging and it seemed to help.

We go to her doctor in 2 days and we are hoping he confirms we are at 3 cm. and she can stop lengthening and begin the consolidation phase and weight bearing.