Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Consolidation Is Going Well

Mary had a doctors appointment yesterday and had two x-rays. 

The first one shows the bone is consolidating really well on the left side. 
  • Her doctor explained that the bone opposite of the incision site grows back faster which is what the x-ray shows. 
  • Her Physical Therapist explained that the bone grows with a bulge then thru time the body absorbs the extra amount.

The second x-ray is a lateral view and it does show the bone is growing on both sides.

Since the consolidation is going well, he cleared her to full weight bearing with crutches and to move to one crutch once she can do it without leaning. 

We will see him again in 3 weeks.

He stated she may be all done by the Fall or Christmas. I was originally told 4 months which would be October.  


  1. Yet again, I check in to your blog and find it so helpful in helping my own son (now 10). I read your whole blog before his first tib/fib lengthening with the Taylor Spatial Frame five years ago. Now he has a precise nail that was placed just 7 days ago, and it is so helpful to see your process. Thank you!

  2. Hi Kendra, I am glad it is helpful. I found information very helpful and used other parents experience to help prepare for Mary's first lengthening. Although I was not planning (and was VERY hesitant) about the Precise nail, now that we are in the consolidation phase and see the positive results I am VERY glad we did it. Hang in there and let me know if you need anything.
