Thursday, May 10, 2012


We had an exciting morning when our 2nd, non-fh daughter came down with tiny bumps on her face. We were scared it was contagious and we would have to take her to the doctor. But the doctor on call swore they weren't since she didn't have a fever. So off to school she went. I am pretty confident that they were hives caused by stressed just like her daddy got once when we were dating and i was moving further away from him. :-)

I gave Mary a very thorough shower just like last night, she watched some TV, played catch with her daddy, took a spelling test (mean parents), and then we were off to the hospital at 10:00.

We were checked in quick but then the waiting game began. Ironically, a good friend and her son were on a tour of the surgery dept and we saw them. We assumed our surgery was scheduled for 12:50 because when they called to confirm yesterday they told us to arrive 40 minutes later than originally scheduled but we found out she wasn't scheduled until 1:30. They called us to the or at 1:40, the escort arrived quickly and we were off.

We met with the anesthesiologist who i liked a lot. He explained he was going to give her a nerve block on her leg that should last 12-18 hours. It should be tingly like when your leg has fallen asleep when it starts to wear off. She should get more pain meds then which work immediately with the iv. (he said you know once it has worn off-its very clear.)

Then our doctor came to put a smiley face on her leg which i am not too concerned about them getting correct since you can tell one leg is shorter than another:-)

Then the nurse came. She was very nice. Mary really wanted to go back on a gurney and the nurse got her one. Then the nurse went to check that everyone was ready and they were. Mary was very nervous at that point ironically we believe she was scared of needles which she won't even be a wake for...hard to say goodbye but very glad it wasn't postponed!!!

We left her at 2:10 and although the doctor told us 3 hours but we are planning on 4. Our younger daughter had a minor hernia surgery when she was 3 but that really helped us prepare for this since the process has been identical so far. The hard part is like my daughter and i have said, we aren't worried about the surgery but rather the 6 months afterwards...i cant believe this process has started. I will upload pictures later...


  1. I started praying for her at noon your time and continue. May God Bless and Keep Mary and give you all comfort and strength as needed. AMEN!!


  2. I saw Mike's parents pick up Sara after school. She had a big smile on her face! Lots of prayers and good vibes for super star Mary.

  3. Anonymous5/10/2012

    Dear Jennifer,

    Prayers and best wishes from Pittsburgh! What a brave girl she is.

    Michael, Suzanne, Alaina, Nate and Gabrielle
