Friday, September 14, 2012

Practicing with Crutches and Building up time in AFO

Mary took her crutches to her PT appointment on Monday so they could help her practice using them. There is a video below:

Mary wore her shoe with the AFO to school for the 1st time on Wednesday. She almost made it all day with it on but Thursday and Friday she was only able to wear it for a couple of hours before he foot began to bother her.

Once Mary can stand on her left foot and has good balance she can start using crutches at school. I think we will bling them out. The pink helps people notice her so she gets run into less.

The brace for her knee is in and we will get it next week. We are hoping she doesn't have to wear it long...we are still working on getting her left leg straight and getting her foot flat on the ground but it's been a good couple of weeks.

1 comment:

  1. The video of her with crutches almost made me cry!! She is making TONS of progress. Go Mary!!!!
