Tuesday, September 18, 2012

3rd infection update

Mary is feeling ok. The infected area is swollen, red, and painful to touch but is fine if it is left alone.

We are back on the original antibiotic and and praying it works. We do not want to have to move onto to a much stronger antibiotic.

Mary pointed out that her first infection was in her thigh, the second was near her knee and this one is near her ankle. Unlike like the first two infections this one is not "goopy".

At PT today Mary got her leg extended to a -9 which is where she was in mid-June before she got her first infection. It took 3 months to get back.

Her ankle has been at 0 the past couple of PT sessions but today it went to a +1 for the first time ever. WooHoo! We just need the infection to go away quickly...


  1. Anonymous9/21/2012

    Just wanted to wish you guys good luck! I've been following your blog, and I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. THANK YOU! Trying to figure out if the antibiotic is working...very stressful!
