Friday, August 24, 2012

Sick (and TIRED!!!)

Mary loved school this week. We built up her time. The first day was only until noon for all students, we picked her up at 1:00 on Day 2, and she went the full day until 3:10 on Day 3. On Day 3 she did get tired in the 2:00 hour, and was achy and had chills when she was picked up but that is common for when she is tired ever since she got the fixator. 

Day 4 she woke up with a fever and she didn't feel good. She was disappointed that she was sick and couldn't go to school. Daddy took her to the Pediatrician and they said it could be one of four things:

  • another pin site infection- but Mary doesn't seem to think it is because none of her pins/wires hurt,
  • she could have "c.diff" from the antibiotic but they did a test and ruled that out,
  • she could be allergic to the new antibiotic or
  • she could simply have a virus- which at this point seems most likely.
The Pediatrician called Dr. Scott and Dr. Scott wants us to continue as planned: take the antibiotic until Monday, and he will take out the wires on Thursday. He believes the wires are causing a lot of the problems.

The Pediatrician told us the signs to look for that would indicate she needs to be seen again: 
  • high fever,
  • rash,
  • bloody stools, or 
  • cramping.
Mary was OK for most of the day. She didn't feel good again around 3:00 and at bedtime she had a fever, chills, and didn't feel good. 

Tonight we are all emotionally tired and Mary is tired of taking medicine. Poor girl just needs a couple of good weeks without any surprises/set backs. This whole process started off really well but has been a roller coaster since her first infection on June 12. I actually get nervous when things are going well because I know something will come up. 

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