Friday, December 7, 2012

New Physical Therapy Regime

Mary is doing a whole new level of PT now a days. Her Physical Therapist is happy with the range of motion in her ankle. He assumes the splint she wears at night is helping. Regaining her upper leg muscle strength is the focus now. We are back to doing more exercises at home.

I am also focusing on massaging her scar tissue. Her therapist mentioned this back in August when she had the thigh and foot plates removed. Moving the scars up and down, side to side, and in circles to help prevent it from attaching to her bone, etc. is the goal. Some kids can have pain later if the scar tissue attaches. There is surgery that can be done if need be but it would be nice to prevent any future surgeries IF possible...

Mary is still on two crutches, and it is difficult to break her old habit of resting the left foot on the right foot instead of standing with both feet on the ground pointed time. Hopefully, as her leg gets stronger it will feel better to stand "correctly".

leg presses

one legged leg press
I like this picture, shows the length we have gained!!!

PT gave us an exercise band to pull on while she straightens her leg

One legged "bridge"

2nd picture of bridge

"clam shell" - lifts top leg up

video of stationary bike one day after cast was removed!

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