Saturday, June 8, 2019

Internal Leg Lengthening Procedure

Mary had the PRECICE Nail (internal lengthening) procedure on Tuesday, June 4. She went back at 12:45 and they called around 3pm to say they were testing the magnet, closing her up, and moving her to recovery.

We talked to her surgeon around 4:15 and he said she has good strong bones and everything went well but he is "mad at her ankle" and he really wants her to work on stretching her Achilles. (That means we will be looking at another surgery at a later date.)

We saw Mary at 5pm and she looked very good. She had finished the post anesthesia shivering.

She was moved to her regular room around 6pm.

Mary had an "On Q" nerve block and an additional shot. The shot wore off around 7am the first morning but the nerve block lasted 3 days and was wonderful!!! She had very minor pain.

Mary met with the Occupational Therapist the 1st morning and learned how to sit, stand, and sit in a chair.

She met with the Physical Therapist around lunch time and was thrilled to walk and get bathroom privileges back.

The second day she learned how to go up and down stairs then was cleared to go home!

Mary started having a little pain when moving once the nerve block ran out on day 3 but very minor compared to the external fixator procedure without the nerve block.

We went into this very hesitant, hopeful it is as "easy" as people say but so far I have to agree it has been a "breeze" / "dream" compared to the external fixator. The "On Q" nerve block is a huge part because they surgically they still cut a bone.

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