Friday, May 10, 2013

One Year Anniversary

Today is the one year anniversary of Mary's surgery to get the fixator on. At this time we were still waiting at pre-op and getting ancy about when we would ever be called.

Mary had talked about marking the occasion. I thought we could invite the two local girls to celebrate with us but the two of us have a Girl Scout event this weekend so we will not be around. The anniversary kind of snuck up on the 2 of us.

Mary's doctor has just requested another 20 visits to Physical Therapy. Once we are done with PT I am willing to say the leg lengthening is officially over but I have learned this is a life long process. Something I didn't realize until this year from learning from others ahead in the process.

Before Lengthening 2012

After Lengthening May 2013

Before Lengthening 2012

After lengthening May 2013


  1. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for your blog. My 4 year old son will start his leg lengthening procedure in June, and I have followed along your story over the last year in preparation. I have shown my son some of your pictures, to help prepare him. Is it okay if I share your blog with some family members to help them understand what we will be going through?

    1. Yes, please share. It was really important to me to share our experience because I didn't have a lot of info and I am the type of person that really needs info. I wanted to pay it forward. I am glad it has helped! I found along the way that it was very helpful to keep family and friends updated and create a support network. Good luck. The process is filled with ups and downs and I have learned that everyone has their own version of the story BUT it is medically successful which is the whole point. We met a lot of nice people along the way and I truly believe the experience has had a positive affect on my daughters life that she will carry with her always. Take Care!

  2. Hooray!! The difference is amazing! :-) Thanks for sharing your journey.
