Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Limping A Lot

It's been 2 weeks since Mary got the walking boot off. She is still limping quite a bit. 

She has been to PT once and we have been doing the exercises at home. She has 15 more PT visits to use they were just busy initially so it was hard to get in to see them.

She has been active, walking the dog, riding her bike, etc. and her foot and knee hurt her at night. At night she has been soaking in Epson Salts, takes Tylenol and uses Biofreeze to help her sleep.

I just looked back and it looks like it took 6 weeks after the fixator/cast was off to start walking smoothly. Good to know...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Free once again- no walking boot!

Yesterday we saw Dr. Scott and Mary no longer has to wear the walking boot and is clear for all activities!

At this point he really wants her to start using her leg and doing PT so we can see where she is at. He is hoping she gets the last 10-15 degrees of range of motion in her knee back from PT.

We asked about why Mary's knee "locks up" once she has been sitting. When she stands up she has to push down on her thigh so she can begin to walk. He thinks it is re-aligning her bones. 

Mary wanted to know when the 8 plate will be removed and he is guessing a year from now.

I asked about the 2 marks on the front of her shin (one was discovered after the last cast was removed and the other one showed up later - it might be a scratch) he is guessing they are from poor blood flow in that area.

Good news is he doesn't want to see us for 2 months unless something comes up.

before surgery April 2014

2 months after surgery June 2014- I can't tell from the x-ray that the foot is straighter but it does look straighter in real life
Picture in the parking lot- this is as straight as she can get her leg at the moment. 
She was off riding her bike that afternoon
We haven't been pushing her to do a ton of PT while she had the casts and walking boot but now she will have to focus on it again to help her regain a good gait.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

No gain in shoe size

We went shoe shopping today to be ready in case she gets the walking boot on Tuesday. Mary's foot is straighter which was the purpose of the surgery but we didn't gain any length. Mary and I were hoping she would. We both handled it better than I thought we would. Her feet are still 4 sizes different...